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The International Economic Conference of Sibiu (IECS 2024) invites students enrolled in university economics studies to submit their research papers for presentation at our appreciated conference. IECS provides a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and propose innovative solutions to pressing economic challenges faced on a global scale.
IECS Students event will take place on May 23rd 2024, onsite.
No participation fee.
Keynote speaker from the Financial Supervisory Authority with the lecture – The Green Revolution: smart investments for profitable opportunities
Students can participate with a paper written and presented in English and must comply with the provided guidelines (click here to find guidelines). The papers need to be sent to the following email address: iecs.student@ulbsibiu.ro, until deadline May 14th, 2024.
All accepted papers will be published in the journal Revista Studenților Economiști Sibieni (The Journal of Economics Students) with ISSN 1584-4366,
http://economice.ulbsibiu.ro/revista.studentilor. Participants will receive the program and a certificate of participation.
Papers can cover, but are not limited to, one of the following topics:
ULBS Faculty of Economic Sciences, room EM9
ULBS Faculty of Economic Sciences, room EM9
09.30 Iosif Antoniu-Ioan, Zafiu Larisa-Anamaria and Turcu Tudor – Consumer Behaviour in Times of Crisis and Marketing Resilience
09.40 Mihălțan Denisa and Petru Ariana – Strategies for Bridging the East-West Management Gap
09.50 Jeray Robert-Daniel and Moldovan Tudor-Octavian – Integrating Sustainability into Financial Reporting: ESG and Financial Reporting
10.00 Petrea Ioana – Economic Impact of Wearable Technology
10.10 Florea Alexandru-Sorin and Armean Adrian – IAS 40 Investment Property
10.20 Gliga Andreea-Alexandra, Cîndea Raluca-Maria and Simion Elida-Daniela – Circular Economy
10.30 Tudose Anca-Ioana and Toma Bianca-Elena – Sustainability reporting and IFRSs within Ecommerce industry
10.40 Fuiorea Ambra-Nicole and Muntean Anamaria-Codruța – The official economy versus the underground economy in Romania
10.50 Cozma Alexandra and Pavel Mihail – Evolution and Perspectives on Public Defense Expenditures in the Countries of the European Union
11.00 Șerbu Maria-Nicola and Teleabă Daria-Maria – Improving the management through teambuilding in organizations
11.10 Crăciun Patricia Ioana, Morozan Stefania Valentina and Stoica Iulia-Diana – Trends in the Literature on the Fiscal Policy of Romania and its neighbors – a Bibliometric Analysis Between 2000 and 2023
11.20 Săftoiu Elena-Denisa and Șerban Andreea – Analysis of the Public Procurement System in Romania in the Period 2016-2023
11.30 Pașca Mihaela-Andreea, Stănilă Adriana-Maria and Voicu Ioana-Diana – H&M and Tommy Hilfiger: Two approaches to customer service under the lens of “The customer is always right” philosophy
11.40 Plopeanu Claudiu-Ionel, Bărglăzan Alexandru-Ștefan and Tristiu-Ciortea Sorin – Trends In the Literature on the Deficit and Surplus of the State Budget in the European Union Member States – A Bibliometric Study from 2000 to 2023
11.50 Vârtei Mădălina – Green Finance: the Vanguard of Sustainable Economic Revolution in Big Green’s Era
12.00 Roșca Maria – Magdalena – Republic of Moldova and European Union
12.10 Borza Andrei-Gabriel and Keresztely Antonio – Leadership Styles in a Culturally Diverse Environment
12.20 Mauro Maria Francesca Rosa and Reusch Sebastian – Comparative Analysis of Historic IFRS Development in Germany and Italy
ULBS Faculty of Economic Sciences, room EM9
ULBS Faculty of Economic Sciences, 17 Calea Dumbrăvii, Sibiu
The Green Revolution: Smart Investments for Profitable Opportunities
Ieronim Ștefan (Institute Of Financial Studies) – The Role and Importance of Financial Education in Non-Banking Financial Markets
Paul Dumitru (Financial Supervision Authority) – The Green Revolution: Smart Investments for Profitable Opportunities
Rebeca Cercel (Groupama Asigurări) – Building Your Resume – How to Build Your Career Even Before It Starts
Aula Magna, ULBS Faculty of Medicine | Lucian Blaga Street, 2A