“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania

Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy


organize on October 30, 2020


27th International Economic Conference – IECS 2020

Online Conference

IECS 2020_Detailed Program





Geoffrey M. Hodgson is Professor in Management at Loughborough University, London. He was formerly at the Universities of Cambridge and Hertfordshire. As an institutional and evolutionary economist, he has published widely in leading academic journals and authored over 20 books. His books include Is Socialism Feasible? (2019), Is There a Future for Heterodox Economics? (2019), Conceptualizing Capitalism (2015 – winner of the Schumpeter Prize), and How Economics Forgot History (2001). He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Institutional Economics and Secretary of the World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research.



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